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Paris False Flag

It is clear from this video already posted on the Russian backed RT news channel that because this channel is Russian backed Putin will know exactly what is being broadcast, especially when a terrorist attack takes place in the West. The NWO/Cabal/MOSAD/Bush Family/Rothchilds/any Satanic Secret Societies are are the run and this is a last effort to continue the fear on terror. Many people have awakened and no longer belief these staged events “false flags”, that maybe some people did die. The main point is, who is the Puppet Master and what is their agenda. After watching this I went to look for how credible Gearoid Colmain is and what is background is. He is and author and political researcher. One of his recent reports that has bearing on the Paris incident follows. It shows conclusively that he is AWAKE and knows exactly what is going on relative to the Satanic goals of the Western Elite/NWO. Here is the video from RT followed by a recent relative story written by Gearoid Colmain.

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