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Remote Viewers Discover 'Inter-dimensional Battle' In Progress - Linda Moulton Howe

In an interview with Linda Moulton Howe, Pete Santilli discusses a recent report provided to Ms. Howe from Remote Viewers who have been assisting her investigation into mysterious 'booms'. The Remote Viewers provided a documented report which revealed what they discovered as an "inter-dimensional battle" presently in progress. Listen to the full interview here: Check out Linda Moulton Howe's recent articles about the loud and mysterious 'booms' heard around the USA and the world: What is the source of the unexplained loud and sometimes window shattering booms being heard and felt around the world? Pete's guest Linda Moulton Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter for radio and internet and author who goes directly to the men and women at the forefront of science and environmental breakthroughs and to firsthand eyewitnesses of high strangeness. Howe has received two dozen TV production and journalism awards for excellence. received the 2006 W3 Silver Award for excellence in news category; the 2003 WebAward for Standard of Excellence; and the 2000 Encyclopedia Britannica Award honoring internet excellence.

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