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The Grand 16 Movie Theater shootings in Louisiana-SYCOPHANTS FALLING TOWERS AND TRAIN-WRECKS....




In this episode we take at deeper look at the shooting event at the Grand 16 Movie Theater in Louisiana to ascertain the spiritual significance of this event. Lots of secretes get reveled in this one, this is something you definitely don't want to miss. I did not include this in the video but there is a third message which YAH embedded in this event in which YAH declares what he will do for his faithful angel whose mental and physical ability has been impaired rendering him powerless for the time being. This message can be found in the names of the companions of the women who were killed. The husband of Jillian is Jason Brown and the boyfriend of Mayci is Matthew Rodriguez. When we break down the meaning of these names a message appears... Jason means to heal Brown means one with brown skin also brown comes from the root word "bro-an" and is similar to the word for judge. Judge means a leader and ruler in ancient Israel the Israelites appointed a judge to govern and pass judgement Matthew means gift of YHWH Rodriguez means a son of famous power Therefore the meaning is as follows..... I will heal the one with brown skin he is a judge and the leader of the Israelites appointed to govern and pass judgment. This is the gift of YHWH to a son of famous power. PRAISE YHWH! Soon the world will see what I have declared about my identity is TRUE and CORRECT.

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