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Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in SC,False Flag Shootings Decoded! REBELLION THE DEATH


In this episode and playlist we will take a deeper look at the killing of 9 including Senator Clementa Pinckney in Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina by Dylann Storm Roof. We will examine Roof's connection to THE BIRTH OF A NATION and Thomas Dixon as well that we may ascertain the SPIRITUAL significance of this TRAGIC event. In this in-depth study we will also explore the history of the so called "African American" to find out the TRUTH about their stolen history and heritage which began long before they were forced onto slave ships and brought to America. (Deuteronomy 28) This episode is packed with information so take a moment to sit back and take it all in. We now have solid proof of Federal Agents and Local Law Enforcement In Charleston Conducting an Active Shooter Drill June 15-19th. They were already in position and this is why FBI was on the scene like lightning. The shooting happening right in the middle of this 5 day Drill. There is no denying the Proof we now have. Evidence continues to mount! Read More: Federal Training Schedule PDF: Gun Control, Security Protection for politicians when TPP passes, create racial tensions so that Military and cops alike will have no choice but to aide in the disarming of the public, isn't the picture becoming oh so clear now? Ever since the B.S. Gabriel Gifford shooting Senators and House Reps have had their head on a swivel because they have had no security detail outside of the Capitol and once this TPP passes and people get to see how bad they screwed us these politicians are really going to need security more than ever!

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