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JADE HELM: MSM Attacks DAHBOO7 Over #JadeHelm15, Gets Caught Twisting Stories.... Well,..... If it wasn't Obvious before, It Should be Crystal Clear Now! The Main Stream Media Has Their Targets Set on My Head! And its not just me, It's Any of us that Think Outside the Box! They are clearly shifting gears toward Domestic Situations, and i find the timing of this quite suspect. I also find it Very suspicious on how they used the Blimp video when it has Nothing to do with Jade Helm what so ever or even Labeled or Tagged Jade Helm. Let this be a warning to all, they are in damage control mode over this Military Build up Across America, Beyond Jade Helm. I notice tho, They nor other Alternative Media Outlets will say a word About OpCon2022, ARSOF Operating Concept 2022, Blows Jade Helm Out Of The Water! They also failed to mention that Jade Helm has now been made annual. They Obviously failed to mention a LOT! But, Thats how the MSM Operates. Heads Up Yal! #Killuminati Original:

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