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Pamela Gellar: "Mainstream Media is Enforcing Sharia Law"

PAMELA GELLER: Catholic laws apply only to Catholics, Jewish law applies only to Jews, but this Sharia Law takes every basic aspect of human life and asserts its authority over non-Muslims, unlike Jewish law and unlike canon law. That is why under the Sharia they are slaughtering the Christians and secular Muslims across Africa and across the Muslim world. The fact is, in that fatwa that was issued against me, my name is preceded by kanzir, which means 'pig.' It is the word Mohammed used before he slaughtered -- beheaded hundreds of Jews. So to first say to the liberal media that this is not religious is absurd and obscene on its face. To blame me and say that my cartoons are controversial? Murdering cartoonists is controversial. It is the jihadis who made this a flash point, not me. Does anyone really they they would have been peaceful, loving Americans--

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