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Heads Up! Day After Freddy Gray Death, Congress Quietly Pushes Gun Bill HR 1745

The Day After Freddy Gray was Killed, This New Revision for this Bill was Quietly brought and pushed. All While many people are distracted or paying attention to other things. This Bill However is an Outright Attack On Our Freedoms to Own Guns! Its Goal Is to Eliminate OUR GUNS Off the Streets! All of this tho was Overshadowed and NEVER Mentioned by the MSM! The Same MSM That Was Caught Putting Out Fake Pictures and Critical Information! Share this Info! People Need to be Aware of these Bills and All Other Attempts to Round Up Our Guns! STAND UP!

Baltimore Uprising: FBI's Secret 'Eye In The Sky' Caught Circling North & Penn

As it turns out, Shayne had unwittingly uncovered a secret FBI overhead surveillance campaign carried out over Baltimore during the riots that set the city ablaze late last month. The operation involved two planes circling the city, and as WaPo notes, if equipped with the latest technology, the aircraft would have been capable of monitoring “dozens of city blocks” at a time. The revelations have prompted the ACLU to demand answers as to the legality of what an unnamed official calls FBI “aerial support”:

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