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Global Currency Reset, Blood Moons Time Line 2015 16...The Great End Time Wealth Transfer to God&#39

Global Currency Reset, Strategic Events Time-Line, Blood Moon Timeline, UN Working On Debt Restructuring, HealthCare America May Fall: Watch Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare The Holy Spirit Investment club is presented by at 10 AM, Saturdays, at the Morningstar Conference Center in Fort Mill, SC Hosted by Ken & Valerie Store...

The Great End Time Wealth Transfer to God's People...

6 Steps in the Global Currency Reset 2015-16

IMF Approves SDR 12.35B Ukraine Bailout Loan, The SDR Will be the Currency Used to Restructure World Debt, China-IMF Talks Underway to Endorse Yuan as Global Reserve Currency, LaGarde to Visit India and China 3/19-23, Putin Signs Law Ratifying BRICS Bank, Russia Gets Seat on SWIFT Board, UK Snubs USA and Joins Asian Development Bank, China International Payment System Ready End of 2015, Venezuela Begins Liquidating Its Gold, Watching September 2015: Sabbatical Year Cycle, Smittah Year, Blood Moons, Re-Structuring International Monetary System The Holy Spirit Investment club is presented by at 10 AM, Saturdays, at the Morningstar Conference Center in Fort Mill, SC Hosted by Ken & Valerie Storey

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