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Operation Jade Helm! and the Synagogue of Satan Introduction....

This series of videos, Intro through Three, are a discussion including political and spiritual aspects of the causes and the impact of the US Special Operations Command and NORTHCOM JADE HELM EXERCISE involving unconventional warfare and psychological operations against the people of the United States! Regardless of the public relations campaign, the Request For Realistic Military Training from SOC plainly states (it is not even the OPPLAN or OPORD) it is to exercise unconventional warfare operations on American soil, going so far as to even list two entire states as "HOSTILE!" This is unprecedented and dangerous. Here are the links, one includes my interview on the Pete Santilli Show:

For an indepth look into oration JADE HELM 15, VISIT THIS YOUTUBE PLAYLIST!

The 'Big Event' in America: JADE HELM 15 (New World Order Plan For 2016)

Heads Up! 17 Martial Law Principles You Can Count On When 'Jade Helm' Goes Live

Entire Federal Martial Law Plan Exposed...

WA state / low-flying Apache attack helicopters / residential homes....

Jade Helm 15: 10 States Now Involved with Massive US Military Exercise...

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