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Operation “Secure the Diamonds”

Huge Liberia Diamond Discovery Months Before Ebola Outbreak: US Troops Invade Site and Force Quarantine! (VIDEO)


General Darryl Williams, above, vows, “We Will Not Leave Until Ebola Is Kicked Out”. The location of the August 2013 Liberian diamond discovery is the Cape Mount, Camp Alpha Region. U.S. Army personnel have started the construction of two treatment centers in Sinje, Grand Cape Mount County…the very same area where the diamonds were discovered!

Always, always, follow the money. The video below documents the discovery of a Liberian diamond mine and accusations by the UN of inept security MONTHS BEFORE THE EBOLA OUTBREAK in late 2013. It just so happens that the forced quarantines are in the very same area as this mine. All the links are in the video description below.

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