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Exposed! CDC Suggests "Hermetically Sealed Caskets" for Ebola Victims - AKA "FEMA Coffins"

In a story for Yahoo News, the CDC says that in the event of an Ebola outbreak in the U.S., bodies of the deceased would be required to be buried within “hermetically sealed caskets”, which would prevent the escape of microbes during funerals. An administrator of the Dallas Institute Of Funeral Service interviewed in the article states that he has never come across any such caskets in his industry, meaning, hermetically sealed coffins are NOT common in the slightest for burial. The CDC coffins in Madison, Georgia, though, ARE designed to prevent spread of infection. In fact, the patent for these coffins confirms that they are meant for the burial or cremation of bodies exposed to infectious diseases.

Ebola Patient 'Thomas Eric Duncan' Dies at Dallas Hospital!

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