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ALERT! W.H.O. & CDC Admit Ebola Can Spread Via Coughing, Sneezing and Contaminated Surfaces!

The World Health Organization has issued a bulletin which confirms what Natural News has been asserting for weeks: that Ebola can spread via indirect contact with contaminated surfaces and aerosolized droplets produced from coughing or sneezing.Both the CDC and the WHO continue to aggressively insist that Ebola is not an "airborne" disease. "Ebola virus disease is not an airborne infection," says the WHO bulletin. But that same bulletin describes the ability of Ebola to spread through the air via aerosolized droplets.The medical definition of "airborne," it turns out, is a specific, narrow definition that defies the common understanding of the term. To most people, "airborne" means it can spread through the air, and Ebola most certainly can spread through the air when it is attached to aerosolized particles of spit, saliva, mucus, blood or other body fluids.The CDC has now admitted there is a slight possibility of Ebola mutating to become "airborne" but says that chance is very small. [2] However, all honest virologists agree that the longer Ebola remains in circulation in West Africa, replicating among human hosts, the more chances it has to mutate into an airborne strain.

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