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ISIL supported by shadow governments: US journalist

The ISIL terrorist organization is “one of a network of groups,” who are supported by “shadow governments” and numerous regimes around the world, including Israel and the United States, an American journalist says.

ISIL, also known as ISIS, “is one of a network of groups” that includes the juntas in Ukraine, Boko Haram in Nigeria and al-Nusra Front in Syria, said Gordon Duff, a Senior Editor at Veterans Today and a disabled veteran of the Vietnam War.

“They’re exactly the same people and they work for a world coalition that some call the secret shadow government or the Bilderbergers,” Duff told Press TV on Saturday.

ISIL has taken control of large parts of Syria’s northern territory. The savage group sent its fighters into neighboring Iraq in June, quickly seizing large swaths of territory straddling the border between the two countries.

“ISIS is being managed and run not out of northern Syria, but being supplied entirely through Turkey,” he said. “They receive intelligence support from drones that operate out of Azerbaijan run by the Israeli government.”

“They are supported by Saudi Arabia financially. They are also broadly supported by groups on the political right within the United States as well.”

Senior American officials say the ISIL terror network has been successful in attracting more American and European fighters to Syria in recent months, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday called for a global coalition to combat “the cancer of ISIS” and its “genocidal agenda.”

The group “presents a unifying threat to a broad array of countries, including the United States,” Kerry wrote in an article published in The New York Times.

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